Quick steps of using python virtualenv

Quick steps of setting up and using python virtualenv.

Iterm2 color issue

An issue found for iterm2 on Mac is that the color of profiles does not apply, e.g. run “ls -l” command you don’t see the different colors for directories or files.

How to config shadowsocks server

How to config shadowsocks server on ubuntu.

Log4j tips

Some log4j tips.

Python fabric

Basic usage of python fabric.

Python literal conversion

Python literal conversion using the “ast.literal_eval()” method.

Bash cheatsheet

Bash cheatsheet.

Linux bash scripting basics and tips

Linux bash scripting basics and tips.

Pywinauto to automate vpn connection

Automate vpn connection (Cisco IPSec VPN Client + SoftToken) using pywinauto package on windows platform.

Linux useful commands and how-to collections

Linux useful commands and how-to collections.