Mac network traffic monitoring tool nettop

Mac network traffic command line monitoring tool nettop.

Testng verbose config

In testng.xml, the “verbose” attribute of the suite tag is very useful for troubleshooting configuration related error. Its values can be set as 1 to 10, and smaller value means lower verbose and bigger value means higher verbose.

Elasticsearch python client

Elasticsearch python client and sample code for indices creation and deletion, document indexing, and searching. For elasticsearch installation, see post elk-getting-started-notes.

Python coding style guide

PEP8 (Python Enhancement Proposal 8) is the style guide for python coding and this post lists some of the important rules that should be followed.

SQL functions

SQL functions.

SQL basics

SQL basics.

ELK getting started notes

Getting started notes on ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana).

Setup nagios and check_mk with omd

References on how to setup nagios with check_mk plugin with omd package.

Setup nagios core

Setup nagios core on ubuntu 12.04 (precise 32) with root user.

Logstash send email alert

How to config logstash email output plugin to send email alert.