Logstash send email alert
How to config logstash email output plugin to send email alert.
Ensure postfix or sendmail is configured on the logstash server, refer to another post here which config postfix with gmail smtp to send email
Create a new logstash conf file in /etc/logstash/conf.d and add below content
input {
syslog {
type => syslog
port => 5514
output {
email {
to => "username@example.com"
subject => "Test from logstash email output"
body => "The message from logstash input: %{message}"
Next restart logstash
$ service logstash restart
Finally test with telnet in another terminal on the same vm
$ telnet localhost 5514
$ => then after connected, enter some message and press enter
In a few seconds the actual "username@example.com" should receive an email sent by logstash with the subject and body matching what's configured above.