Java base64 encode and decode example.
Java String concatenation performance concern.
ThreadPoolExeuctor from concurrent.futures package in Python 3 is very useful for executing a task (function) with a set of data (parameter) concurrently and this post lists examples on how to pass MULTIPLE parameters to the task being executed.
How to use a jquery plugin to implement floating horizontal scrollbar, which is especially useful for single page application where partial content of the page (i.g. table of data) are large and dynamically updated and you don't want to make use of the browser scrollbar for scrolling the partial content.
Quick code example on how to merge cells with POI and apply cell style to the merged cell.
Java lazy initialization singleton instance pattern.
Java sort arrays in descending order.
Java bubble sort implementation.
Java binary search implementation.
Java 8 stream has a distinct() method which could be used to filter out a list of distinct objects, but the distinctness of that method is based on Object.equals(Object). What if you want to filter a list of objects based on any property (field) of the object? The StreamEx library comes as an elegant solution.