Ruby rack

Rack is the gem that provides the interface between web frameworks (ruby on rails, sinatra) and web servers (webrick, puma, unicorn) in ruby world.

Ruby rake

Rake is a Make-like task runner in Ruby. First define a list of tasks in ruby syntax in a Rakefile and then invoke the task with rake command.

Ruby bundler

Bundler is for dependency management in ruby projects.

Ruby gems

A ruby gem is a software package that contains a reusable ruby application or library.

Ruby rbenv

rbenv is for managing multiple Ruby versions and here are some of its commonly used commands summarized for quick reference.

JavaScript typeof returns and falsy values

JavaScript typeof returns and falsy values

How to dynamically insert js

How to dynamically insert js.

How to quickly generate random secure token with nodejs

How to quickly generate random secure token with nodejs and etc.

How to generate 26 english letters in js

How to generate 26 english letters in js.