Ruby gems

A ruby gem is a software package that contains a reusable ruby application or library.

Ruby rbenv

rbenv is for managing multiple Ruby versions and here are some of its commonly used commands summarized for quick reference.

JavaScript typeof returns and falsy values

JavaScript typeof returns and falsy values

How to dynamically insert js

How to dynamically insert js.

How to quickly generate random secure token with nodejs

How to quickly generate random secure token with nodejs and etc.

How to generate 26 english letters in js

How to generate 26 english letters in js.

NPM common commands cheatsheet

NPM common commands cheatsheet.

Nodenv quick commands cheatsheet

nodenv is a great tool to manage multiple NodeJS versions and here are some of its commonly used commands summarized for quick reference.

React-csv issue in async data and rendering

In frontend development sometimes you need to export the data (usually in JSON format) as downloadable csv format, and for those working on ReactJS related web applications, there is a package named react-csv that can save you from breaking the DRY... However, you may also encounter issues when applying this package in some specific scenarios, such as the one I'm writing down soon which involves in data being loaded asyncronously but needed for initial UI rendering.