Hi there 👋

I'm Andy, a software developer.

Professionally 🎯

  • ✨ I now work mostly in JavaScript with sporadic touch on Ruby and HTML/CSS;
  • 🎅 I used to work mainly with Java and Python but have coded with neither at work for years;
  • 😻 I like the KISS principle when coding and will try my best to apply it whenever possible.

Personally 🏖️

  • 🌍 I speak native Chinese together with English and Japanese as my second languages;
  • ⛰️ I cycle and climb mountains once in a while as well as walk a bit as the main exercises;
  • ⚽ I watch sports match a lot when events happen such as the Olympic and FIFA World Cup;
  • 🕵️ I love suspense and mystery series of all kinds from detective anime to crime movies and dramas;
  • 🌸 I now live in Tokyo, Japan after having more than 10-year residence in Shanghai, China.

Finally 👻

  • 💡 I use this site for keeping notes, references, and bookmarks, as well as a toolbox and playground;
  • 🙌 I hope it helps you as well in some way though most of the content is based on personal preference;
  • 📩 I am away from all SNS and can be reachable via email only.